Monday, January 4, 2010

Shaped Toilet Seats Why Are The Toilet Seats Shaped The Way They Are--all Standard Forms?

Why are the toilet seats shaped the way they are--all standard forms? - shaped toilet seats

My question can not compete with the question of the most fascinating and interesting for many - but I'm wondering why toilet seats are in a square, rectangle, circle, or form - and almost 99 percent of places P. formats are the same. It is the only product that comes in a form the consumer. Why? Smart Answers appreciated. (You can go through the side of humor, ok)


phaig93 said...

I think it's a case for adjusting the shape function. It is functional for our needs. Furthermore, the shape of the bathrooms is have changed since its invention. For a seat that does not fit in the bathtub, it can cause problems somewhere in the process.

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